Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Google-Bombing For Alaa

Bloggers at Free Alaa are asking those of you who would like to help to write a Google bomb on your blog for Alaa. A Google bomb raises the Google rating for a website so that it comes up higher on searches.

The target website here is of course Free Alaa. By leading more Google users to this website you can help spread the word & raise awareness of this issue worldwide.

The way to do that is very simple. Write a post that mentions the word "Egypt" as many times as you possibly can. On every mention of the word, link it to Free Alaa.

Since am not feeling very creative this morning, am going to borrow my Google bomb from Odyssey Online Egypt:

"When we think about Egypt, camels, pyramids, and mummies often come to mind! That's not surprising since much of what we know about ancient Egypt comes from the tombs of Egyptians and the objects found buried with them.
No one knows exactly what life was like in ancient Egypt, but these objects tell us a lot. Egypt fashion, religious beliefs, recreational activities, and much more can be explored through the art they created and included in their burials.

Lazy I know. And not nearly enough "Egypt" in that paragraph. So here goes:

Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egypt

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